How can I browse or find a product?
You can find products on our website in 3 easy ways:
Use the search field
You can search for a product throughout the website by indicating keywords in the search bar on the homepage and other pages on the website. Keywords you can use include the brand name, product name or product type along with details such as colour, size or other characteristics.
Pick a category
You can also narrow down to a specific type of products by navigating through particular categories and sub-categories. You’ll find our main product categories on the top of the screen all throughout the website.
Select filters and sorting
When you’ve landed onto a particular list of products, you can further narrow down your search by selecting filters such as price, brand, product size, colour and more.
How do I place an order?
Found the product you want? Follow these easy steps to place an order:
Specify how many units of the product you want to order by entering a number in the quantity selector. You can also adjust the quantity by pressing the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.
Select Add to bag. From here, you can select Continue shopping to add other products to your order or Review & checkout to proceed to checkout.
If you haven’t signed in to your Watsons account, you may do so while in Checkout. Alternatively, you can also register a Watsons account or checkout as guest.
On the information stage, select whether you’d like us to deliver to your address or you’d prefer to collect your order from our store.
- If you choose Delivery, make sure to indicate your correct delivery address and delivery contact number.
- If you choose Click & Collect, Watsons The View Mall will be pre-selected for you.
Choose how you’d like to pay for your order and indicate the required information. Review the product(s) in your bag and, if everything’s in order, select Pay now.
You’ll see an order confirmation or Thank you page on the screen of your device with the details of your order.
How do I know if I have completed my order?
When you get to our Thank you page with your confirmed order details, that means that you have completed your order. We will also send you an email and SMS to confirm that we have got your order.
How can I check the status of my order?
You can track your order from Your account.
Can I amend my order after it has been placed?
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make changes to your order once it has been placed. Instead, you can use our free returns service to return your unwanted products. Note that you can return your product(s) within 30 days of your receiving them.
Can I cancel my order?
Yes, but only if your order is still being processed by us. To cancel your order, get in touch with us at care@watsons.sa. If your order has already been handed over to our delivery partner, you will not be able to cancel your order. You can instead use our free returns, which is within 30 days of you receiving your products.
Why were products in my order cancelled?
If some of your products were cancelled, this might be because they became out of stock after you placed your order or are already nearing their expiration date. If you paid online, we would have automatically started working on the refund of your cancelled products.
My entire order was cancelled even if I didn’t initiate the cancellation. What happened?
This could have been because we ran out of stock for your product(s) way too quickly. On the other hand, it may also be because we could not verify your online payment details. In this case, we would have automatically started working on your refund.
How do I save products in my wish list?
If you haven't decided about purchasing a product, don't fret. Just add the product(s) to your wish list while you think it over. Note, though, that we’ll only save your wish list for 30 days, so make sure to check back and place your order before then. You can access your wish list by selecting the heart icon at the top right corner of the homepage.